september 2016

Hi!  Sorry I haven't been blogging computer is broken, so I've been on an unintended blogging hiatus.  My sweet friend Val is currently letting me borrow her laptop so I can get my sanity back.  Thanks Val!  Anyway, I just wanted to give y'all a quick life update.  Here's what's happened this month:

1.) Xavier's first birthday

Speaking of Val, it was her sons first birthday a few weeks ago and she threw the SWEETEST little backyard party to celebrate.  Xavier is the happiest baby and it was such a joy to spend the day with him on his special day!  You can see more cute photos from the day on Valerie's blog here.  We love you Xavier! 

2.) It's officially fall!

Which means it's now socially acceptable to start baking pumpkin things.  This vegan pumpkin scone recipe has been on repeat and I'm obsessed.  And I've gotten a lot of other people hooked on them too.  You're welcome.

3.) I learned how to crochet (!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is some exciting stuff.  A few nights ago I had an amazingly fun girls night learning a new skill! My super sweet//talented friend Elise made all my crochet dreams come true and very patiently showed me the ropes.  I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and try something new once a month.  Plus, I really needed some time to's amazing what a few hours away (and learning something fun!) and good conversation with friends over chamomile tea can do for a very tired mama.

It's always been a goal of mine to learn how to crochet, and I am really enjoying it!  I ventured into knitting while I was at LSU but I was terrible at it so I don't like to remind myself of the time we spent together.  Sorry, knitting, our relationship is officially over.  Crochet, on the other hand, is sooooo relaxing and surprisingly easy! I think it's been helping a bit with keeping me calm throughout the day.  I ran out of yarn though so I need to get to the craft store ASAP so I can keep up with my new hobby.  

4.) Brad's car died...

...which means we had LOTS of jammy days at our house.   Brads hours are nuts so I couldn't drop him off/pick him up from work...meaning that Pier and I were prisoners in the house for a week. And we couldn't go outside because the bugs were TERRIBLE.  So we stayed in our PJs and watched a lot of Daniel Tiger and tried to make the most of it ;) One-car families you have my deepest respect because I was going just a little bit crayyyzay.

5.) I welcomed 25

Oh hay 25! I love birthdays.  I don't get as excited for my birthday as I do for Brad and Piers, but it's still fun to have something to celebrate.  I'm so grateful for every day I get to spend on this earth and for the life that God so graciously gave me.  It's been a great 25 years and I can't believe I'm halfway to 50...because that's all I can think about when I say I'm 25 now.  Obviously, I'm showing my age because I get excited about things like crocheting and drinking chamomile tea. 

But it was a really relaxing day.  Pier woke up at 5 am because he was so excited to celebrate with his mommy.  I told him that if he was going to pull that nonsense then he needed to treat me to birthday donuts.  So... that's what he did because he loves me and he's the best son ever. My amazing Brad totally spoiled me this year.  Because my husband is the most self-sacrificing man alive, he picked up an extra shift at the hospital so he could get me a nice birthday present (which I asked him not to do).  I told you I hit the jackpot marrying him!  That is just the type of man he is.  And believe me, that fact doesn't go unappreciated. He got me a new Chemex coffee pot (because my birthday *just* so happened to be the same day as National Coffee Day.  How did I get so lucky?!) and a new diaper bag from one of my favorite companies, Nena & Co.  Then once we put Pier to sleep, we ordered pizza and had a bottle of wine and watched the new season Poldark (obsessed).  It was the perfect day.  I sure am grateful for my little crew. 

6.) Gertie's new favorite corner in our home....

A friend of mine gifted me this awesome vintage chair!  I have been looking for the perfect comfy spot for our front living room, but didn't want to spend money.  I know, conflicting.  So I really lucked out with having super generous friends who give me their stuff.  Anyway, I also wanted to show y'all the baskets I found at Goodwill....such an easy and cheap idea!  I loveeee art but most art I love is super $$$$. So I wanted to find something that was cost effective, but still fit my style.  I love the texturized element that the baskets add to the space.  I found that being on a budget really helps to heighten my creativity, so I just wanted to share incase you were wanting to do something similar in your home. And at 60 cents a basket, it barely cost a thing. 

7.) My favorite things about Pier this month:

Ohhhh my sweet little bub.  He's officially 15 months and getting so strong and so big.  He has been a the best way possible.  His personality is slowly coming out and man he makes me laugh so hard! A few little updates:

  • he likes throwing things in the air and squealing.  It can be anything. Wipes, toys, my crochet hook...he thinks it's so entertaining.  
  • he's been very snuggly this month.  He loves to pile on the pillows and blankets and build little forts.  He's big into lounging.  We got him a kid sized arm chair for his room and he LOVES it. It entertained him for an hour today! Just crawling on it, reading books, snuggling with his stuffed's so adorable.
  • Currently hits himself in the head with his toys when he's frustrated.  It's so weird.  He likes smacking his forehead too for no reason?
  • Always crosses his feet when he's sitting.
  • I've noticed that Pier is a very sensitive little boy.  He is quick to cry and he likes his own space.  When we play with other kids he likes to stay a safe distance away.
  • He's not really into food right now.  Except fruit and bread.  He still nurses on demand so I'm not too concerned, but I'm hoping he will grow out of it.
  • He chases Gertie around the house ALL DAY.  He calls her "Geegee" ...he gets so excited when she jumps from one piece of furniture to another.  I'm so glad we have that cat.  She probably gets Pier to smile more than I do and she doesn't even have to try.  
  • Pier loves his daddy.  Every day we wait by the front window to watch Dada come home from work.  Even before Brad pulls into the driveway, Pier bangs on the window and says "Dada" over and over.  And when Brad gets out of his car Pier gets so giggly and excited to see his daddy! It is probably my favorite part of the day. 
  • He gets mistaken for a girl at least twice a week....
  • We're still not walking yet.  But I think we *might* be close.  I know he totally can, he's just a really cautious kid and gets scared when I'm not close by.  

Now we're ready for all the fun fall things that October brings!  I can't wait. 
