our entire summer in one blog post


I guess since it's Labor Day weekend, I should finally post some photos from our summer.  We had such a lovely few months enjoying the warm weather and (lots!) of Louisiana visitors.  Brad's cousins and their two girls stayed for over a week...our friend Chris came over for a few days as well...We got to spend time with Pier's Aunt Jessica (his godmother!) and her new hubby Bill...my college BFF Mary Claire visited in July...and then my mom stayed for Brad's birthday week.  We are basically a free hotel ;).  We LOVE visitors, especially from home.  It was such a gift to be able to spend time with our favorite people! 

All those visitors also meant we got free babysitting -- so Brad took me out on a date the night before Pier's first birthday to commemorate our survival of a year of parenthood.

Our summer included lots of family walks // and margaritas on our back porch // and farmer's market mornings // and even a first-time visit to the zoo on one of Brad's rare days off! 


Pier and I also had LOTS of fun playdates with our BFFS Valerie + Xavier.  We ate plenty of ice cream, and splashed in the pool, and laughed all summer long.  

On one of our family walks, Brad and I visited a place called Art Park along the river -- basically a park filled with outdoor art.  It was so fun!  How cool is that house?  

Swinging in the park is another favorite activity.  A playground brings so much to a 1 year old!  We loved to go to the park in the afternoons and have a picnic lunch under a shady tree.  Pier is becoming such a big eater -- avocados, peas, mushrooms, kale, applesauce, corn, chicken, almond butter sandwiches, pears, and BLUEBERRIES are some of his favorite foods.  Basically anything I'm eating, he wants too.  He says "blue" every time I'm in the kitchen because he knows that's where the blueberries are.  He also really loves green smoothies and gets excited when I get the blender started...

Summer was fun - and always way too quick -- but I'm happy to say that we're ready for you fall!  I can't wait to go pumpkin picking, and bake pumpkin goodies, and witness the leaves change colors.  It is my favorite season, and one that I look forward to every year.  There is something so sacred about living in a city with four seasons -- I've never had that opportunity growing up, and it's lovely that Pier will make memories in a place where that happens.  Hope you enjoyed the mammoth amount of Pier photos & savor every minute of your long weekend! 
