working out with little ones

I don't know about you, but finding time to exercise with two little ones around is next to impossible.  Usually you'll find me squeezing in a quick work out during nap time or once the kids are in bed for the night, but every now and then I have to do my exercising when Pier plays (or watches a video) and Eulalie stares intently at me from her bouncy seat.  Exhibit A:


Pier thinks it's a big game whenever mama puts on her exercise's cute as can be but it usually involves in me pausing whatever I'm doing 100 times before finishing what I started.  I gotta do what I gotta do to make any type of exercise happen -- even if it's just for a few minutes.  I'd like to think that I'm setting a good example for my kids by investing in my physical and mental health.  Exercise isn't something I get really excited about, but I know that I always feel better whenever I finish a work out.  Pilates, in particular, is something I go to whenever I feel stressed or need some me time.  I'm not great at it, but I love the way it relaxes me and establishes a beneficial mind-to-body connection.  


About a year and half ago, I joined an online Pilates community called the Balanced Life, run by instructor Robin Long. Robin is one of those talented people that you can't help but gravitate towards.  Her "grace over guilt" mentality is exactly what I need postpartum.  Having a baby changes your body in remarkable (and a bit unsettling)'s easy to become discouraged getting back into any type of work out rhythm.   She's gentle and kind and has a gift for teaching. The workouts are challenging and effective, yet completely doable no matter what your fitness level.  When you're a mom you hold babies, nurse babies, and wear babies all day long, leaving you with all kinds of aches and pains.  Pilates has helped tremendously with my bad posture and back tension. I can't recommend it enough! But my favorite thing about Robin is that she never makes me feel "less than".  Didn't get to work out today? or this week? or this month?  The Balanced Life community assures me that it's ok to try again...Tomorrow is another day to start fresh.  One baby step leads to another and then another and before you know it, exercise is a part of my routine on a regular basis.  


So what does this look like in my every day?  Well, a lot like the photos you see here. When you join the community, Robin and her team will send you an e-mail with your monthly work outs and a recipe bundle (which help me tremendously in the kitchen whenever I'm in a recipe rut!).  Usually your workout schedule for the week consists of three short Pilates workouts (typically under 15 minutes) and two longer ones that run 30-40 minutes. You don't need any fancy equipment. I don't even have a mat! All you'll need is internet access and a willingness to try something new. I don't strictly follow the schedule -- some days I'll take a long walk or do 15 minutes of dance cardio instead.  I like to switch things up and listen to my body.  But no matter what,a calming Pilates routine is my go-to whenever I'm stressed or feeling overwhelmed. 

I wanted to take the time to talk about this because being a member of the Balanced Life has helped so much whenever my depression and anxiety act up. I know many of you are busy mamas, so if you're looking for something new to help you get back on the work out track, I encourage you to look into Robin's mission.  She's got some great resources and youtube vidoes online, but if you're interested in joining the Balanced Life Sisterhood you can use my referral link HERE.  I can't tell you how impactful is to be a part of a community of beautiful women who uplift and encourage!