what I wore Sunday

Here goes week two of my "what I wore Sunday" series! Still can't believe I'm doing this but I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten on this new blog topic.  From the bottom of my heart thank you to those who have reached out to me & gave me words of support!  If you only knew what a gift your encouragement is to me.  

I don't consider myself someone who takes a lot of risks in fashion.  I like to keep things fairly simple and *most importantly* comfortable.  That being said, sometimes I have to get creative with my wardrobe.  Today's outfit is a product of that.  What appears as a jean skirt is actually a dress that shrunk in the wash :). The fit was so odd after I washed it that I knew I couldn't wear it as a dress anymore. I didn't want to throw it out just yet, and played around with different ways to wear it.  

This week, I wore this (nursing friendly!) dress, this shirt, and these shoes (so comfy once you break them in...I have them in two colors).  I wore it the entire day.  Little fun fact about me is that I hate changing clothes.  Once I put on an outfit for the day, that's what I'm going to stay in until bedtime.  So this outfit took me from church, to running errands, to the park, and then chasing Pier around the house for the rest of my afternoon.  I'm all about practical mom-friendly attire!

I also rocked my favorite necklace made by The Jones Market.  I don't own a lot of jewelry because I think it's a bit pointless now that Pier chews, yanks, and slobbers on anything I wear. This necklace is an exception because it was created with moms in mind!  It's a teething necklace that is tuggable and adjustable.  Plus it's super cute and goes with everything - WIN.

And because what I wear on my body is not as important as the state of my soul, I want to end on this verse from today's readings:

"For every one who exalts himself will be humbled,
but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” 

-Luke 14:11


I hope today is filled with peace & rest in anticipation for the week to come.  Enjoy your Sunday friends!


