pier turns one

We had the sweetest birthday party for our Pier Francis yesterday.  Is it just me, or was that the fastest year ever?  It's like the entire year flashes before your eyes and you are flooded with memories of how the months passed by. The night before his birthday, I found myself looking at Pier videos from that sacred time in the hospital as a newly minted family of three and couldn't stop tearing up. It's hard to imagine that the little boy who loves to chase our cat around the house, "read" books to himself, and eat raspberries by the handful is the same baby who was engulfed by his car seat when we took him home from the hospital just a few months back. 

I have a 12 month update in the works, but for now, I wanted to share photos of Pier's birthday party.  I know Pier will have ZERO memory of this day, but I felt it was a day worthy of recognition.  We celebrate not only this life who has changed so many lives, but also the milestone that is becoming parents for the first time.  We celebrate the friends and family who have prayed for us, offered us advice, and helped regain our sanity when we really needed it. We couldn't have made it through without your prayers and support.  We celebrate the joys, tears, and growth that needed to happen in order to get to this moment.  You bet it deserves to be celebrated! 

Our Indianapolis friends came over for an afternoon full of birthday fun!  I made tacos and we ate lots of birthday cake as all the kids ran around in the backyard.  It really was the perfect day, and I'm grateful we have made so many valuable friendships in our new city. 

So...Pier is not only teething (currently 4 teeth coming in...) but also has an ear infection. My expectations were pretty low on how he was gonna behave yesterday. The birthday boy was indifferent to everything (even his delicious birthday cake? I mean is he even my child?) but he ended up being a total champ dealing with the party excitement.


On this day, we celebrate you Pier Francis.  We celebrate the boy who makes my heart melt every single day. We give thanks to Our Creator that you are happy, and healthy, and playful.   You have a boyish charm that is irresistible to all who know you. You are the non-stop active kind of baby, but every few minutes you stop playing with your toys and crawl over to me for some snuggles just to let me know that you're thinking of me.  You are a reminder to me that I can do the impossible. You, my sweet baby Pier, will always be my baby and I thank you for giving me the best year of my life.  Happy, happy first birthday!


*thanks for the photos valerie keinsley!
