brad's 27th

It's Dr. Brad's birthday today!!!! So....sorry guys, I'm about to gush a little...

In case you didn't realize, I hit the jackpot marrying Bradley Fossier.  His joy is contagious. He tells the lamest corny jokes ever (and I secretly love it). He is selfless, humble, and courageous.  He is a genuine person and doesn't pretend to be anyone he isn't.  He is the most talented person I've ever known -- from drawing, to playing multiple instruments, to learning complicated medicine things -- he can do it all.  Above all, he is a holy husband and father and strives daily to bring his family to heaven.  I often tell people that he's my role model and I mean it.

Pier wanted the chance to give his daddy a special birthday shout out! But side note: there were probably 70 photos of him making the face on the left before I caught the face on the right.  He's all like seriously mom? And just like that his teenage years flash before my eyes.

As a true Ina Garten fan girl, I made her Mocha Ice Box cake to celebrate the big 2-7.  It has all the things I live for in a dessert -- coffee, chocolate, and cookies.

And since it's so rare for me to get all dressed up (aka wear clothes that are not pajamas), we took a few family photos!

We tried someplace new for dinner tonight called the St. Joseph Brewery. It used to be a Catholic Church! Um so we were all about that.  Beer, food, and Gothic architecture? Sign me up. 

I love you Bradley Fossier and I am so grateful you were born. Happiest of birthdays to you!
