fossier fais do-do

Where do I even begin?! Our trip home was filled with oh so many wonderful things I don't even know how to process all the fun.  There were ordinations, and dance parties, and nuns, and weddings, and swimming, and walks down memory lane.  But most importantly, there was the food (just in case you didn't realize, eating my way through Louisiana is one of my favorite things to do).

First up, Baton Rouge.  We celebrated the ordination of our BFF Fr. Brad Doyle into the priesthood at St. Joseph's Cathedral, and then had one heck of a party after his first mass.  I may or may not have danced way too hard but Rodie Romero and the Hub City All-Stars were playing, so could you blame me?  They were the band for our wedding and I just couldn't help my little 9 month pregnant self. Seriously, I couldn't get off the couch for 2 days after this (and it was totally worth it). Here's us with Roddie...

And here's me with my sweet nuns at the ordination....the Missionaries of Charity! They are with Bl. Mother Teresa's order, which is why their habits might look familiar to you.  I worked with them a lot during college and they are so much fun (and a beautiful witness to the Catholic Church).  I, however, am ridiculous and totally bring out the silly in them.  We giggle way too much when we haven't seen each other in a long time! Who am I kidding, we giggle way too much basically every time we see each other.

See what I mean?

And here's the only photo we took with Fr. Brad on his ordination day at the spontaneous after-after party at the Benton Home...whoops! Friend and photo document fail.  Try not to look too excited to take a picture Fr. Brad ;)

After all the ordination activities, we spent some quality time with our people -- I had lunch with Mary Claire, Brad and I went swimming with our adorable nieces, and we even made a day trip to see my grandparents in Lafayette! How beautiful is my grandmother?!


Then we said good by to Baton Rouge (and LSU) and were NOLA bound!!!

the fossier's take new orleans

We did a good thing and started our New Orleans vacation as any good start to a New Orleans vacation should... beignets!

Then we were ready to take on this magical city...

We were in town for our good friends Jonathan and Kat's wedding -- Brad served as the best man and it was a blast getting to be there during such a special time in their lives. 

Jonathan actually lives at the rectory of St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter, but since he was getting married he needed help moving out.  Which is where we came to the rescue (and meant that I got to see all the secret things!) Well, it's not really that secret, but I still felt super cool...I mean, check out that elevator!? It was kinda like a dream for me to frolic all around the building.  It was built in early 1800's and filled with all sorts of historic holy goodness!

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While Brad did best man things I got to have a girls day with my mama and two of her adorable sisters.  We went out for lunch at Baru, then got ice cream at Creole Creamery (my fav), and went shopping (of course).  There's this awesome eyeglasses shop called Art and Eyes that is so much fun! We were a mess trying on all the glasses..I had trouble parting with them.

Before we knew it, it was wedding time!!!

There's nothing like a New Orleans wedding...

We love you New Orleans! And next time we see you, we will have a baby in tow.  Can't wait to show him all of my favorite stops...including these cupcakes.  Brad and I couldn't leave the state without stopping for lunch at the Cake Bakery in the bywater district.  Come to mama, you beautiful vanilla cupcake you. 
